Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Week 4 - Conceptualizing Migration

How and why do people migrate? How do the people who move conceive of their movements? What is the role of family networks in migration? How does migration look different when we take sex and intimacy into account? How do we recover migration history as understood from "below" and in ways "hidden" from official sources?

Donna R. Gabaccia, "Is Everywhere Nowhere? Nomads, Nations, and the Immigrant Paradigm of United States History," Journal of American History 86, no. 3

Adam McKeown, "Conceptualizing Chinese Diasporas, 1842-1949," Journal of Asian Studies, vol. 52, no8 (May 1999):306-337

H-Net Book Review of Dirk Hoerder, Cultures in Contact: World Migrations in the Second Millenium (Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2002)

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